Join the E-life e-library on Whatsapp
If you desire to keep growing (KIPGRO), to increase knowledge by reading books, (e-books, audiobooks and motivational messages) on different topics, by different authors from different parts of the world, hit the link below. This group is called KNOWLEDGE IS POWER GROUP 2 (KIPGRO), an E-life Christian e-library.
The audio and e-books cover so many topics like Courage, Love, Vision, Life, Children, Upbringing, Fatherhood, Motherhood, Neighbourhood, Hope, Money, Work and Ethics. Others are Evangelism, Relationship, Christianity, Terrorism, Marriage, Recovery from Pain, Philosophy, Social Science, Music and Cookery. We will also share books on Baking and banking, Hymns, Life after death, Religion, Praise, Power, Children, Sex, Enemies of Jesus, Women, Parenting, Journalism, Government, all manner of topics.